Quaker Resources

Organizations, Websites, Educational Opportunities

Quaker Online Resource List - compiled 7/2019

Forward in Faithfulness (Creative Conversations on Quaker Identity) - forwardinfaithfulness.org

Upper Susquehanna Quarter - https://www.fgcquaker.org/cloud/upper-susquehanna-quarterly-meeting

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting - https://www.pym.org/

Baltimore Yearly Meeting - https://www.bym-rsf.org/

QuakerSpeak - https://www.youtube.com/user/Quakerspeak

The Religious Society of Friends - http://quaker.org/

Quaker Information Center - http://www.quakerinfo.org/index

Friends Journal - http://www.friendsjournal.org

Friends General Conference - https://www.fgcquaker.org/connect/gathering

Pendle Hill Retreat Center (in PA) - https://pendlehill.org/

Friends Committee on National Legislation - https://www.fcnl.org/

American Friends Service Committee - https://www.afsc.org/

Alternatives to Violence - https://avpusa.org/

William Penn House (residence for Quaker work in DC) - https://williampennhouse.org/

Quaker Earthcare Witness - https://www.quakerearthcare.org/

FWCC, Friends World Committee on Consultation - https://www.fwccamericas.org

RSWR, Right Sharing of World Resources - https://www.rswr.org

QVS, Quaker Voluntary Service - https://www.quakervoluntaryservice.org

Quaker House - https://quakerhouse.org

State College Friends School (K-8) - https://www.scfriends.org/

Foxdale Village (Quaker directed retirement center) - https://www.foxdalevillage.org/

Helpful Websites for Quaker Learning

Radical Spirituality

A Free Quaker history course from Lancaster College in England: Radical Spirituality: The Early History of the Quakers. The course starts on April 26 and runs for 3 weeks.



A bi-weekly video project produced by Friends Journal


Spiritual Deepening


Baltimore Yearly Meeting

Baltimore Yearly Meeting

Quaker United National Office

Quaker United National Office

Friends Committee on National Legislation

Friends Committee on National Legislation

American Friends Service Committee

American Friends Service Committee

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

State College Friends School

State College Friends School