Invitation to a Quaker Earthcare Witness Zoom workshop on Jan. 11, 2023 from 7-8:30 pm:
Mary Ann Percy, QEW Steering Committee, Bellingham Friends Meeting, WA
The bad news is coming fast now–nearly on a daily basis it seems we’re hearing of another climate-related disaster, another breakdown in Earth’s and Life’s support system–the web seems to be unraveling…
How not to become paralyzed by despair?
What does Friends’ Faith and Practice, and specifically our Testimonies, have to offer us for both understanding and addressing these many challenges which face us?
How may we come to live in Right Relationship with the Living World, respecting and supporting the inherent integrity of the Earth community?!
The workshop content will be largely experiential, includes a brief presentation, and opportunities for reflection and worship-sharing. For a short portion of the workshop, Mary Ann asks you to consider if you could manage sitting outside for ~15 minutes with warm blankets tucked over a hot water bottle or a microwave heated rice bag. Second best, consider sitting indoors looking out a window or sit with a houseplant, spider/web, etc.
Registration is required for this program at this link: