Adult Religious Education provides monthly sessions on a variety of topics. Most sessions are hybrid, with some Friends meeting in person and others on Zoom. When possible, Zoom sessions will be recorded and posted on the website. In addition to Friends from Foxdale and Friends School, we also welcome participants from Upper Susquehanna Quarter and other local faith communities.
Past programs have focused on diverse topics such as Friends' spiritual journeys; local Quaker history; nontheism among Friends; preparing for worship; advocacy; and a Kenyan Quaker describing her ministries. Suggestions are welcome, and can be sent to Ann Sidone (
Religious Education Archives
September 11, 2024
Laurie Mulvey of World in Conversation
Laurie is the founding director of World in Conversation at Penn State, a center that has been built on her pioneering dialogue work. With 35+ years of mediating difficult conversations, Laurie understands both the notable challenges as well as the profound possibilities of talking to our adversaries. That is why her work is devoted to redefining the rules of engagement for collaborating across our divides.
View her presentation.
Passcode: Xz.P7*U*
Quakerism 101 Winter 2024
This winter, the State College Friends Meeting Adult Religious Education Committee offered Quakerism 101-- a series of workshops designed to help deepen people’s understanding of Quakerism. Each session started with a presentation followed by a discussion time.
1) Quaker History- January 28 with Selden Smith
2) Quaker Beliefs and Values- February 11 with Martin Melville and Doug Miller
Watch the Zoom Recording
Passcode: 5w.Psf3d
BYM and PYM Faith and Practice Quaker Basics videos (
Anything by Parker Palmer
Brother Lawrence’s Practice of the Presence
George Fox’s journal
Friends for 350 Years, Howard Brinton
3) Quaker Decision Making, Business Meeting- February 25 with Vilmos Misangyi
Presentation Slides in PDF Format
4) Living as a Quaker and Meeting for Worship- March 17 with Laurie Jeffrys and Eliza Bradley
Watch the Zoom Recording
View the Presentation Slides