Peace and Social Concerns

Our actions speak louder than our words. - Rufus Jones

March 2025

Minute of Support for Quaker Legal Action

State College Friends Meeting affirms our support for Philadelphia, Baltimore and New England Friends Yearly Meetings, as well as Friends General Conference and other Friends and faith communities, in the pursuit of legal action to oppose the Trump administration rescinding the policy to protect places of worship (sensitive places) from immigration enforcement raids.  We appreciate the clarity and courage shown in decisively standing up for Quaker principles and our manner of worship based on the inclusive nature of our communal worship that welcomes all persons.

State College Friends Meeting Minute of Solidarity with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA) Community 

Adapted from a similar minute from Germantown Monthly Meeting: 

Those who would extinguish freedom have historically targeted the most vulnerable and disregarded in society — those with the fewest allies, the fewest willing to put themselves in harm’s way to defend them, the fewest who see their fate as inextricably bound up with them. To the degree they are successful in isolating the most marginalized, they are emboldened to widen their assault until, in the famous and sobering words of Martin Niemöller, “There is no one left to speak out.” 

Today, those facing the spearhead of this attack are the LGBTQIA community — and in particular, trans people. Those who oppose granting rights to these groups are now focusing their assault on this minority-within-a-minority that does not conform to conventional norms of gender expression and gender identity and who can most easily be “othered.” 

The viciousness and danger of this assault is reflected in the overtly genocidal threats that are now issued publicly without shame or qualification. “Transgenderism,” a recent speaker at CPAC [Conservative Political Action Committee] proclaimed, “must be eradicated from our public life,” chillingly echoing the language of the Nuremberg Laws. And in grim confirmation of the seriousness of this intent, the flood of recent state laws prohibiting gender-affirming care, not only for children and adolescents but also for adults, will, to a certainty, multiply the cost in trans lives beyond the already intolerable levels of violence, murder, and suicide that plague this beleaguered community, effectively eradicating trans individuals. 

Even the advances in civil rights for the broader queer community that we have come to take for granted are under attack, as opponents seek to carve out “religious freedom” exceptions to anti-discrimination laws and call on an already predisposed Supreme Court majority to re-legitimize anti-sodomy laws and reverse marriage equality. 

We affirm the spark of the Divine in all people. We are willing to sit with those who seem to us to view the world otherwise. We recognize that other cultures are in much different social spaces than North American, Euro-centric Quakers. We urge these other cultures to attend to their inward Teacher, who will lead all to right action. All who claim Christ as their Savior are expected by Him to live His teachings. We would do well to remember to “love your enemies,” and the truth that “As you have done to the least of these, so have you done to me;” and “do to others as you would have done to you.”

In such a climate, the still, small voice must be lifted up. Mere assurances of tolerance, acceptance, goodwill, and even support are no longer enough from those who stand for justice and equality. We of State College Monthly Meeting commit ourselves, as individuals and collectively, to active resistance and to solidarity with LGBTQIA people everywhere, in ways including: 

• Declaring to the world that all individuals are by right entitled to follow the sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression that are authentically theirs, and we will actively campaign for laws and policies that reflect this testimony. 

• Promising to provide a safe space for all LGBTQIA members, attenders, and other individuals who reach out to us.

 • Pledging to continually educate ourselves on issues of concern to the queer community and charging our committees to consider how LGBTQIA issues impact their work and how they can contribute to advancing justice and equality. 

• Pledging to be allies in word and deed

February 2025
Pastor M Budde’s Inaugural Sermon

Meeting for Business approved our sharing the powerful words of Pastor M Budde’s spoken in her Inaugural sermon on January 21,2025. We stand in solidarity with her sentiments.

See a video of the sermon. OR Read the transcript.

State College Friends Meeting, June 14, 2020
Minute on Racial Injustice

The members and attenders of the State College Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends are moved to respond to the vigilante murder of Ahmuad Arbery and killings by police of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. We bear witness to the collective grief, anger and despair that is being felt across the country.

As individuals and a faith community, we can no longer avert our eyes from unconscionable acts, nor stand silent or plead ignorance.  Structural injustices and pain have been present in our country from its inception based on the stealing of land and enslavement of black, brown, and indigenous people; these injustices persist to this day in many forms, from significant disparities in economic opportunity, violence, and health, to the lack of privileges and advantages afforded those of us perceived as white.  These racist and violent acts lie in direct opposition to our core Quaker tenets. We are compelled to add our voices to the resounding rejection of systemic racism, violence, and injustice in our country on all levels.  We acknowledge that our positions of privilege and power bestow us with great responsibility to enact change now.  We need to dig deeper to collaborate across differences and power differentials to make equitable, sustainable, long-term changes in ourselves, our community, our country.  We affirm that all black lives, work, homes and communities matter.

State College Friends Meeting believes that together we can build the beloved community of respect, equity, and human dignity. We are all people: daughters, mothers, brothers, fathers, and children of the light/God and so embrace each other as equal, valuable, and loved.  We commit to answer this call through the following actions:
•    Work to actively dismantle structural racism
•    Support local and national racial justice initiatives
•    Work to end the silence about racism and white privilege
•    Lobby for nationwide reform and demilitarization of state and municipal police
•    Act to dismantle methods of mass incarceration
•    Support actions to recognize and make amends for the historical injustices done to black people
•    Conduct an institutional audit for racism in our Meeting
•    Learn and take action as an anti-racist religious community
•    Learn and be trained to become allies for black people, indigenous people, and people of color