Frequently Asked Questions About Quaker Beliefs
What do Quakers believe?
Broadly speaking, we affirm that "there is that of God in everyone." Quakers use many words to describe the Spirit that animates us. Some of them include: God, the Light Within, Christ, Spirit, Seed, and Inward Teacher.
Are Quakers Christian?
Early Quaker belief was based on deep Christian roots. Some Quakers today draw spiritual nourishment from our Christian roots and strive to follow the example of Jesus. Other Quakers draw spiritual sustenance from various religious traditions, such as Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and the nature religions.
It sounds like Quakers can believe anything they like―is that so?
Quakers invite the word of God to be written in our hearts, rather than as words on paper—we have no creed. But we also believe that if we are sincerely open to the Divine Word, we will be guided by a Wisdom that is more compelling than our own more superficial thoughts and feelings. This can mean that we will find ourselves led in directions or receiving understandings that we may not have chosen just from personal preference. Following such guidance is not always easy. This is why community is important to Quakers, why we turn to each other for worshipful help in making important choices, and why we read the reflections of other Quakers who have lived faithful lives.
Do Quakers believe in heaven and hell?
The emphasis of a Quaker’s life is on present time―on experiencing and following the leadings of the Light in our lives today. Individual Quakers hold a variety of beliefs about what follows our lives on earth.
Do Quakers read the Bible?
While the Bible is a book close to the hearts of many Friends who look to scriptures for inspiration, insight, and guidance, most Quakers do not consider the Bible to be the final authority or the only source of sacred wisdom. We read it in the context of other religious writings and sources of wisdom, including the Light Within and worshipful community discernment. Some Quakers have little interest in the Bible.
Quaker Worship
What happens in Quaker worship—is it really silent?
Quaker worship is based on expectant silent waiting. In this living silence, we listen for the still, small voice that comes through the Inward Light. During silent worship, anyone—adult or child—may feel inspired to give vocal ministry (speak out of the silence). After the person speaks the message, the silence resumes. Such messages may be offered several times during a meeting for worship, or the whole period of worship may be silent. Someone will signal the close of worship by shaking hands with another person, then everyone shakes hands with those seated nearby. For more on silent worship, see the QuakerSpeak video Quaker Silence.
How do Quakers practice baptism and communion?
For Quakers, sacraments are understood as an inward, spiritual experience. We don’t have a custom of performing sacramental ceremonies. For more on why not, see the QuakerSpeak video Form without Substance.
Can I attend Quaker Meeting?
Yes! You are welcome to attend Quaker worship. There are Quakers of all ages, religious backgrounds, races and ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities, and classes. All are welcome. You can find meetings in your area at
What should I wear to Quaker Meeting?
Dress comfortably. In general, Quakers wear everyday clothes to Meeting. This may range from what you would wear at work in an office to jeans and a t-shirt. You are welcome to join us for worship as you are! [back to top]
What are Quaker testimonies?
Quakers find that attending to the Inner Voice influences the ways we act in our personal lives, as well as the changes we work for in the wider world. We have noticed that certain values seem to arise more or less consistently when we try to stay close to the guidance of the Inward Teacher, and we call these principles our “testimonies.” They are not so much rules that we try to obey as the outcomes of our efforts to live in harmony with the Holy Spirit. Some commonly recognized testimonies include peace, integrity, equality, simplicity, community, and care for the earth.
What should I do as a new person once I arrive at meeting for worship?
Make yourself a name tag (ask a greeter to show you the supplies), take a Bulletin if you like, and then go in and find a seat. You may sit anywhere; it's fine to walk across the room and sit on the far side from the doors.
Quakers Engaging with the World
Quakers find that attending to the Light Within influences the ways we act in our personal lives, as well as the changes we work for in the wider world. We have noticed that certain values seem to arise more or less consistently when we try to stay close to the guidance of the Inward Teacher, and we call these principles our “testimonies.” They are not so much rules that we try to obey as the outcomes of our efforts to live in harmony with the Holy Spirit. Some commonly recognized testimonies include peace, integrity, equality, simplicity, community, and care for the earth.
Do I have to be a pacifist to be a Quaker?
Peace has always been a very important expression of how Quakers are guided by the Spirit. We wrestle with our understanding of what God requires of us. We are asked to consider if we are called to be pacifists, but this determination is left to the individual as conscience dictates. For many, it has meant a commitment to nonviolence and conscientious objection to participating in war. Some Quakers, however, have served in the military. Quaker institutions, such as meetings, generally hold to a pacifist position. For more on Quaker pacifism, see the QuakerSpeak video The End of Violence.
What do Quakers think about science?
Quakers find compatibility in our longing for spiritual understanding and in our desire to understand the workings of the natural world. Many Quakers have been leaders in science, including some who have won the Nobel Prize in a variety of fields. We understand that people evolved over millennia, and we stand in awe of the creation. Many Quakers feel called to help protect and heal the world that we are blessed to inhabit.
Quaker Practices
How do Quakers live today?
There are Quakers of all ages, religious backgrounds, races and ethnicities, education, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities, and classes. Modern Quakers generally “blend in” with the larger culture, rather than adopting the distinctive dress and patterns of speech associated with Quakers of earlier centuries.
Quakers try to live and act in ways that are consistent with the divine harmony that we seek in worship. Through this effort come our testimonies of peace, integrity, equality, community, simplicity, and care for the environment.
How do Quaker meetings make decisions?
Once a month, the meeting (congregation) holds a “Meeting for Worship for Business.” Meeting attenders and members are welcome to participate. Decisions are made without voting. Instead, the participants all hold the intention of reaching spiritual unity after thorough discussion. When the clerk recognizes that unity has been reached, it is called the “sense of the meeting.” If those present agree with the clerk’s expression of that sense, then the decision is recorded in the minutes.
What does the pastor do? How do Quakers get organized without a leader?
Quakers believe that we are all ministers and responsible for the care of our worship and community. Rather than employing a pastor, Quaker Meetings function by appointing members to offices and committees, which are responsible for: religious education for adults and children, visiting the sick, planning special events, having the meeting house roof repaired—all the many things that any congregation needs.
A member of the Meeting is appointed as “clerk,” a volunteer office. The clerk chairs business meetings and handles communications. When the clerk’s term expires, a new clerk is appointed.
May non-members attend these committee meetings?
Yes. Most committee meetings are open to both members and attenders of the Meeting. Please notify the clerk of the committee you wish to attend.
How do Quakers get married?
During a special Meeting for Worship, the couple stand and face each other, then make very simple promises, giving themselves and taking each other in marriage. They sign a special certificate of marriage containing the words of their promises, then after the close of the meeting for worship, everyone present signs the certificate as a witness. Most states make some kind of special allowance for legalizing a Quaker wedding when there is no pastor to “officiate.”
How do Quakers celebrate Christmas?
In modern times, most Quakers celebrate a low-key Christmas, and sometimes Easter, as part of our larger culture. However, traditionally, Quakers did not celebrate any religious holidays because all days are “holy days.”
How do I become a member?
You become a Quaker by joining a Meeting. Quakers encourage newcomers to spend some time getting familiar with the Quaker way and with the community before making up their minds to formally join. You may spend anywhere from a few months to a few years as an "attender," participating in worship and other meeting activities before you feel ready to make a commitment. (Some choose to be active attenders for a lifetime.) The first step toward membership is to write a letter to the clerk of the Meeting expressing your wish to join formally. The clerk or a member of the appropriate meeting committee will be pleased to explain the membership process to you, but they may wait for you to take the first step, since Quakers have no wish to make someone feel pressured to join.